This is the hub for ongoing searches. All information here is as accurate as we can confirm.
If an item is found, the search is completed and will be added to the Completed Searches page.
Do you have information about any of these active searches? If so don't hesitate to email the admin:! Or, if you have a link to something listed here, feel free to drop it on the Discussion page!
the fandom's white whale
Status: Lost
The first draft of NatM 3. Possibly the source of the fanon idea of Ahkmenrah being stabbed 73 times. Exists, but is missing as of 2021.
This search is huge, and something that has a dedicated team searching for it. If you want to help, join us and search for it!
various interactive games in several mediums
Status: Partially Found
The DVD-ROM game packaged with the 2006 film's bonus features. Currently inaccessible with the deaths of Flash and Internet Explorer. A matter of emulation. Certain clips from the game are accessible through the DVD and VLC Media Player.
Status: Lost
The apps made for the series are confirmed to exist, but have been removed from the iOS and Android app stores. They were located on Facebook and App Advice. More information is available on the Games page.
Known to Exist: NATM 3 App, Monkey Cam
Status: Lost
The games made to promote the films, released onto the official NatM website. Two were made available to play through Poptropica and Roblox. More information is available on the Games page.
Known to Exist: Escape from Pompeii, Knight Flight, Tablet Tapper, Monkey Slap, Hall of Mix-Ups
Status: Partially Found
A toy line released in Winter 2006/07 with statuettes of the characters. Of this line, only one is confirmed to exist: an Ahkmenrah figurine.
Status: Partially Found
A version of NATM 2 shot with the original script. A few shots of this cut exist in the bloopers and special features on the NATM 2 DVD(s?), but no full version. Due to the scheduling conflicts with Rami Malek in the film, it is likely that those shots are the only ones that were made before the final script was completed.
an auction of film props
Status: Partially Found
In 2014, Paul Pincott’s Can Am Importique Movie Prop & Set Decor Warehouse closed its doors and auctioned off its store of film props. Some of the sold items were props for NATM 2! Interestingly, they were advertised with the original title, Escape from the Smithsonian.
Sale and catalog are here, but the items need to be sorted through to see which items were present in NatM 2.
these entries are not currently proven to exist or may be easy to search for
There's been some sightings of NatM stuff in the wild and on Disney+. It's possible that the series is about to receive a revival, re-release, or a reboot. They may also be preparations for the musical's announcement, or even an animated TV show in the KRA style. We'll keep archiving what we see. The evidence is compiled below.
![]() This was seen in late 2023 by thevintageducky in a Wal-Mart. |
![]() ![]() Photos of the NatM Collection on Disney+. Seen and preserved by pineapple-coffee on 14 December 2023. |
searches you can complete today!
lost fan works and creations
these are likely or proven nonexistant
Status: Fake
A spin-off series involving our two favorite minatures. Began as a rumor somewhere between Era 1 and Era 2, and is still passed around on occasion. Teased by Owen Wilson in Stars In The House. Never actually put into production or even planned by Levy - though, he didn't seem opposed to the idea. Due to the lack of proof, and the contradictory information given by the cast meetup, this rumor is considered a hoax. If proof becomes available, it will be archived and moved to another category.