
27 March 2025
Catch and Release by samstoleaburger

Jedtavius | Pre-Canon, Slice of Life

Jedediah paused as he thought it over. "That don't sound right."

"I assure you, it is quite accurate."

Word Count: 3.4K
24 March 2025
A Chase Back Home by Breeakfast

Gen | AU (Road Trip), Comedy, Family

Larry moves to Oregon due to his divorce and lost custody of Nick, to where he has been for a few years. When on a drive home from a shift at work, he hits a man with his car. The man is alive but dressed strange...

Aka: Larry hits Ahkmenrah with his car where he realizes that people from the past have somehow appeared in modern times. He must travel back to New York to get Tablet of Ahkmenrah in order to help his new friends return back to their time periods, all while being chased by the police for a supposed murder and trying to make it in time before a legendary knight does.
Plus some Jedtavius (ofc) and found family.

Word Count: 2.5K
24 March 2025
"we keep that old wheel turning" by Wtf_is_a_flapjack

Jedtavius | Fluff, Humor

Octavius dancing cause yes

Word Count: 3.3K
24 March 2025
Flowers and I are alike in some ways by Wtf_is_a_flapjack

Jedtavius | Fluff

Is this out of character? Yeah probably, but I tried my best and shitty writing is better than no writing

Word Count: 1.3K
22 March 2025
A General's Guide to Modern Courtship by Ar1adne

Jedtavius | AU (Modern)

It’s supposed to be simple: swipe, match, maybe meet. Somehow, dating apps always end up more complicated than they should be —but desperate times call for desperate mesures. And when Jed's and Octavius' friends are both pestering them about getting a love life, it's the only solution they can find.

Word Count: 5.3K
18 March 2025
if we never speak again, remember i loved you by HungryOnMain

Jedtavius | Hurt/Comfort, Angst

The last thing Octavius ever heard from him was ‘I love you,’ said in that wonderfully loud tone Jedediah was known for.

It’s the first thing he ever says to him as well — his right hand’s palm facing him, ring and middle curled, and the other three sticking out straight.

After a car wreck, Jed and Octavius are left permanently disabled. Even as they adjust to their new lives, they can't be kept from confessing how they feel for one another.

Word Count: 967
16 March 2025
Your Smile's Been the Same by polliwoggy

Jedtavius | Pre-Canon, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff

Every 40 years, the tablet plays around with time, sending some people to revisit their pasts, and some to discover their future.

Jedediah is one of the lucky ones chosen this time around.

Word Count: 2.5K
14 March 2025
Your warmth by ne0spac3

Tablet Guardians, Jedtavius | Slice of Life

[Prompt]: "Okay. You are cold. Take my jacket."


An incident with a new exhibit leads to a brief moment of romantic tension between Ahkmenrah and Larry Daley in New York's cold winter night.

Word Count: 2K
8 March 2025
Oh My Moon by bitter_lemonade

Jedtavius, Museum Dads, Flyin' Aces, Jedediah X OC | AU (1970s), Fluff, Angst, Romance, Humor

It’s been 7 months of renovation for the hall of miniatures. With that, it comes with new dioramas, and miniatures. Not all the new miniatures seem all too friendly, Especially Giovanni. The leader of the New York, prohibition era diorama. He can’t stand Jedediah and Octavius. And he’s willing to do anything to get them out of power and take over the museum… with the help of two like minded people, They and Giovanni cause chaos. Which will lead the hall to divide into hate and distrust. Jedediah, Octavius, and the rest of the museum have to stand up agents Giovanni and his goons to save their Museum. Before everyone and everything they love is destroyed…

Word Count: 5K
18 February 2025
My Heart Was Born to Beat Before It Dies by AnIrishRose

Non-NatM Pairs | Crossover

Protecting Gotham's citizens from the cruel and cowardly is just part of a vigilante's job description. Cass just didn't know the Museum of Natural History's exhibits were part of that citizenry.

Aka Night at the Museum meets Batman (and therefore Ahkmenrah meets Cass).

Word Count: 4.4K
11 February 2025
Night at Cang Qiong Museum by Adventurewaffles

Non-NatM Pairs | Crossover, Humor, Angst, Fluff

When Shen Yuan is forced to get a job he finds himself employed at the Cang Qiong Museum of Art and History. It suits him just fine until he takes over as the night security guard and discovers the museum’s greatest secret, all the exhibits come to life! Now he has to somehow keep an entire museum behaved while also being trailed by the legendary warlord, and Shen Yuan’s childhood hero, Luo Binghe.

Word Count: 36.3K
25 January 2025
Die Verlorene Geliebten von Lilyania_Regenbogentau

Jedtavius, Flyin' Aces, Non-NatM Pairs | Crossover, Fluff

Amneris Potter hatte immer gewusst das sie eine 'alte Seele' ist. Doch die Erinnerungen waren nur schemenhaft vorhanden.

Ahkmenrah verdankte der Tafel ein Leben in Nacht und Qual bis Larry kam.

Unbewusst verbindet Amneris und Ahkmenrah etwas.

Word Count: 805
20 January 2025
The Ash of Aurelia by bluewhale83

Ahkmenrah X OC | Family, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort

The museum is getting a small traveling Roman exhibit, but Larry doesn't exactly know what the artifacts are.

He's worried that they could be unfriendly and doesn't want to risk another Kamunrah situation. Therefore, he decides to keep the new exhibit locked up for the time it'll be there, and his friends are upset, especially Ahkmenrah.

When Ahk finds a Roman girl locked in the glass case, he does everything he can to set her free and they fall for each other.

Word Count: 12.2K
31 December 2024
something that lasts forever by HungryOnMain

Tablet Guardians | Fluff

Ahkmenrah shares the superior pastry topping with Larry. It's certainly not cream cheese.

Word Count: 333
24 December 2024
All Is Bright by IAmAUniverse

Ahkmenrah X OC | Fluff, Romance

Ahkmenra and Kat spend time together at Christmas, including a party with Jace and Emily.

Word Count: 2.9K
30 November 2024
All That Glitters is Not Gold by josiebelladonna

Jedtavius, Ahkmenrah X OC, Octavius X OC | Angst, Humor, Drama, Romance, Family

Jedidiah is missing a rather large amount of gold from after their first rush, and after asking that old Roman soldier about it, he seems to have run into a dead end. But golden nuggets don’t just sprout legs and walk away, someone took it, just like how the golden tablet was stolen once before.
But then, there’s the wounds of his past coming back to haunt him in the form of a woman on the outside world with her eye on Octavius.
Meanwhile, that little Roman has some secrets to uncover, with his own and with potentially the fate of the museum itself, secrets aged thousands of years.

“I come in a world of iron, to make a world of gold.” -Man of La Mancha

Word Count: 28.9K
10 November 2024
Manifest destiny farm by Kely_liquid

Jedtavius | AU (Human)

Human au Octavius was stranded in California with his three-year-old daughter Julia after his wife left him for another man. At a motel, they had a Jackie race on, and he sees his childhood friend Jedidiah, whom his wife made him cut ties with. He decides to give him a call, and Jedidiah offers for him to stay at his place as long as he needs

Word Count: 876
28 October 2024
Relearn Together by PreciousGemCats

Museum Dads | Fluff

Dating is hard, especially when you're way out of practice. Thankfully, Larry and Leslie both have great partners (AKA each other).

Word Count: 460
17 June 2024
Museum dads you ask? by The_Wild_West545

Museum Dads | Fluff

Word Count: 171
1 June 2024
Familia ideal por SrMesier31

Jedtavius, Courtly Love | AU (Modern)

Ellos son inseparables desde la universidad, han construido una vida juntos que muchos envidiarían: 32 años, casados, exitosos y viviendo una "vida ideal". Sin embargo, Octavio siente un vacío interior que Jedediah no puede llenar. Tras una profunda conversación, deciden dar un giro inesperado a sus vidas: adoptar.
La llegada de dos niños a su hogar convierte sus vidas en una aventura diferente a todas las que algunas vez vivieron ¿Podrán con la tarea de ser padres?

Word Count: 4.3K
25 May 2024
A Very Tiny Second Coming by HungryOnMain

Gen | Crossover

Someone drops a crucifix in the diorama hall.

Word Count: 744
4 May 2024
Preso em minha própria mente por Nana_catblue

Jedtavius | Angst

"No momento em que sentiu a ardência na mão onde sua pele havia sido perfurada pelo caco de vidro, foi como se ele se sentisse entorpecido, como se de alguma forma, aquela dor física acalmasse a confusão mental que ele estava passando no momento.

Então ele não pode evitar, ele só queria se sentir bem novamente, sentir aquele alívio novamente, era tudo que ele precisava naquele momento."

Word Count: 1.3
20 April 2024
Breakfast Lovin' by junjoutattoo

Courtly Love | AU (Modern), Fluff

Based on a prompt, Lancelot wakes up with a smell of a delicious breakfast and his Egyptian boyfriend wearing his shirt. Cute and fluff galore!!!

Word Count: 1.1K
27 March 2024
canceling the apocalypse Series by squidbatts

Jedtavius, Lewis/Clark | Crossover, AU (Pacific Rim)

Word Count: 14.9K
26 February 2024
It's not stealing if the exhibits consented! by bloodlollipop

Jedtavius, Museum Dads, Ahkmenrah X OC | Humor, Fluff

The museum is forced to shut down due to bankruptcy, with nothing Larry can do to salvage it. Larry, not wanting to part ways with his found family, has the crazy idea to sneak everyone home with him. They tell him it will never work, but he's insistent!!!!

Word Count: 4.1K
25 February 2024
Avengers at the Museum by VoldyIsMouldy

Jedtavius, Non-NatM Pairs | Crossover, Fluff, Humor, Slice of Life

When Steven Strange is alerted to a spike in magical activity, he naturally goes to investigate. He heads down to the Natural History Museum and finds that a certain exhibit has just returned from an extended stay at the British Museum. But as he is leaving he is captured by one of the exhibits. This causes Tony and co to panic and try and rescue him. Chaos ensues.


The Avengers & co get caught up in the shenanigans of the Natural History Museum.

Word Count: 1.5K
19 February 2024
Down by the Nile River Mun404

Ahkmenrah X OC, Kahmunrah X OC | Angst

a what if au of what happened while Ahkmenrah was alive, based on the fact that I imagined Kahmunrah to have been a wax figure in NATM:Battle of the Smithsonian

Word Count: 720
8 February 2024
Octavius o de la Amistad por TheMarshalVanth

Jedtavius | Romance, Angst, Fluff

Oh, grandeza suya. Que se le fue otorgada como indulto a sus acciones encomendadas por el ave de cresta rojiza, mandatario de Marte. Mandato de un dios sediento de pasiones y conquista. Dueño de un designio que le obligó al levantamiento de armas contra los bárbaros de occidente. Con Venus recostada en sus brazos, Octavius comprende el propósito.

Word Count: 1.5K
12 January 2024
Ты слишком много болтаешь, ас by KhinkersD

Flyin' Aces | Romance

Музей естественной истории открывает свои двери для посетителей после реконструкции. Вернувшемуся на прежнюю работу Ларри Дэйли предстоит вновь встретить так запомнившуюся ему девушку.

Word Count: 239
10 January 2024
The Path to Black Avernus by HungryOnMain

Jedtavius | Fluff, Angst

Octavius dies to a snake bite, and Jedediah tries to get his soul back from the underworld.

Word Count: 3.2K
2 January 2024
La Toge de Tutafeh

Jedtavius | Fluff

Jedediah n'aime pas les toges, mais son romain préféré était bien déterminé à lui faire changer d'avis.

Word Count: 100 | FF.N
12 December 2023
Please Don't Take Him Just Because You Can by retrobr

Jedtavius, Jedediah/Lancelot | Angst, Pining, Romance

Three long years have passed since Ahkmenrah was reunited with his parents. It meant a new chance for life at the Museum of Natural History — a new chance for something new for the two miniatures that live in that historical abode.
But who knew that just one person could ruin all the excitement of Octavius' life so badly?..

Word Count: 6.7K
18 December 2023
You gotta give a little to take a little by AlittleBitDusty

Jedediah X Reader | Fluff, Angst

You and Jed just enjoying spending time with each other :)

Word Count: 676
22 November 2023
in this marble tomb i found bronze. by justsomedumbhistorybuff

Abraham Lincoln Statue/Teddy Roosevelt Bust | Crack

It's a very problematic size difference, practically non-functioning, but they make it work. They always do.

Word Count: 781
11 November 2023
After Hours by poison_but_tasty

Courtly Love | Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort

Sometimes he wishes – and he always feels tremendous guilt for doing so – that he had never returned from the British Museum.

Word Count: 1.8K
25 October 2023
The Vow by junjoutattoo (Part of Honeymoon oneshot collection)

Courtly Love | Fluff

There was so much more he wanted to compliment about Ahkmenrah but all he could do was sigh. The mere image of the young pharaoh plagued his mind and heart with love. “But I do not know how to express it,” Lancelot continued. “Coming out of a fantasy, I can’t really say if I was the real me, I would know what to do. But I’m not. So, I ask both of your advice and assistance. How should I do it?”

Word Count: 2K
11 August 2023
Book Of Poetry by ThatRando

Ahkmenrah X OC | Poetry

A book of poetry that either we come up with or is requested

Word Count: 1.6K
9 August 2023
Ahk por Rawi_1971h

Gen | Hurt/Comfort

Larry habló con Ahk sobre su muerte una vez, él le dijo que no lo recordaba y ese fue el final, pero ahora que regresaron del Smithsonian Larry no sabe cómo decirle a Ahk que fue su hermano quién lo asesinó.

Word Count: 5.6K
24 July 2023
Let Bygones be Reborn by polliwoggy🔒

Jedtavius | Drama, Friendship, Romance

Over 4,000 years ago, Kahmunrah was sick of everything. Becoming the older brother to a selfish little brat, having the family secrets hidden away from him, and now, losing his place as next in line to the throne? It was unacceptable. There was nothing left to do but take it into his own hands. His oblivious brother and parents would be none the wiser. Little did he know there would be someone else keeping a close eye on his every move - for centuries on end.

In the present day, Larry Daley has returned to working for the museum, just for the summer. He's taking the exhibits around the country on tour, with their first stop in Chicago. However, reuniting with old friends also brings about encounters with people from his past he'd rather forget. And when the tablet gets stolen and Ahkmenrah goes missing, the museum group is forced to track down mysterious characters and travel across the city to make things right before sunrise.

Word Count: 36.8K
4 May 2023
Down Then Left by mournwiththemoon

Jedtavius | AU (Modern, Office), Slow Burn, Fluff, Angst

Octavius is balls deep in the closet and a mild midlife crisis. Jedediah just wants to fix the elevator.

AKA the corporate loser x mechanical engineer AU that literally nobody asked for.

Word Count: 121K | Dedicated Page
28 April 2023
NATM Short Stories. by harrietsrhapsody

Jedtavius | Fluff, Humor

A collection of short stories based around the Night At The Museum films.

Word Count: 2.1K
10 April 2023
Spring Flings by lxvxndxrly

Nick X OC | Fluff

The Spring Break Writing Collection of 2023

Word Count: 3.5K
13 March 2023
Night at the museum one shots by Kely_liquid

Jedtavius, Courtly Love | AU (Modern, High School, Soulmates, Genderbend, Ancient Rome)

Just some stories that pops into my mind

Word Count: 4.2K
19 February 2023
living beyond your years (acting out all their fears)

Jedtavius | NatM Week 2023, Angst, Drama, Fluff

“Go,” Octavius repeated. “Run. I am with you.”
Jedediah did the one thing he never thought he was capable of doing. The thing he would have sooner died than chosen of his own accord.
He ran.

Secret of the Tomb AU. Octavius doesn't make it out of Pompeii; angry and grieving, Jedediah goes home alone. Meanwhile, for Octavius, his whole world changes overnight. The new museum is thriving on the magic of the tablet, but it's not where he belongs.
It's going to be a long way home.

Word Count: 16.4K
4 February 2023
New York's Hottest Nightclub by OnTheMeander

Tablet Guardians | NatM Zine, Humor

It was supposed to be just a simple night out on the town for the Natural History Museum residence.

Larry should have known nothing goes to plan for him.

Word Count: 2.1K | Archived
24 January 2023
Para conquistar um romano por Nana_catblue

Jedtavius | Slow Burn

Jedediah está apaixonado por Octavius mas não tem coragem de se declarar, cabe a seus amigos o ajudarem.

E é assim que se conquista um romano.

Word Count: 9.1K
12 January 2023
SCP-10407: The Museum by HungryOnMain and Riv_Styx

Gen | AU (SCP Foundation)

Level 2 security clearance is required to view this file.

Word Count: 5.7K
10 January 2023
Night at the Museum: Kahmunrah Rises Again (fan edition) by YDraigAur

Jedtavius, Femslash Figures | Fix-It

NATM 4 but if the creators had spent like ten minutes researching what the fandom wants and talking to an Egyptologist (AKA what one bisexual Ahkmenrah simp wanted the movie to be)

Word Count: 8.2K
31 December 2022
you taught me how to misbehave by Riv_Styx

Femslash Figures | Fluff

In which Sacagawea and Joan of Arc are totally just really good friends.

Word Count: 2.6K
30 December 2022
Der ganz normale Wahnsinn von Lilyania_Regenbogentau

Gen | Slice of Life

Sammlung an Kurzgeschichten wie es Larry in seiner Zeit als Nachtwächter ergeht.

Word Count: 1K | FF.N
23 December 2022
Souls In The Night by mars_writes

Jedtavius, Nick X OC, Ahkmenrah X OC | Adventure

Rune decides to believe their father and joins him on his night shift at the Museum of Natural History, still a bit skeptical, but intrigued.
What they don't know is that they'll start the adventure of a lifetime.

Word Count: 3.1K
20 December 2022
Wedding Bells and Dinner Bells by RecycledChicken

Jedtavius, Knightguard | Crack, Slice of Life, Fluff

Larry confesses to Ahkmenrah that he wants to wear a dress.

Jedediah is a simple man and just wants to eat cake.

Word Count: 2.5K
18 December 2022
弄臣 由 hentaix

Knightguard | Angst


Word Count: 1.6K
17 December 2022
I Ain’t Quitin’ You by Beagletime and Historic_Fics

Jedtavius, Museum Dads | Angst, Fluff

A collections of oneshots with Jedediah and Octavious, co-written with Historic_Fics!

Word Count: 13.2K
15 December 2022
Winging It by notooimportant

Gen | Drama, Angst

Being trapped in one place for 54 years, with no hope of escape, puts some things into perspective. That’s why Ahkmen chose to remain in England in the first place. But, it doesn’t feel the same. Something is missing.

Word Count: 655
15 December 2022
when the sun goes down by Midnight_Starshine

Jedtavius, Ahkmenrah X OC | Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Humor

Word Count: 46.1K
14 November 2022
A Wild Night at the Museum by Actual_Dunwich_Horror

Gen | NatM Zine, Fluff, Humor

It's Western Weekend at the museum, and Larry decides to let the exhibits join in on the fun.

Word Count: 2.2K | Archived
2 November 2022
Go for it, Jedediah por Nana_catblue

Jedtavius | Jedtavius Week 2019

Ele simplesmente não conseguia não reparar em cada detalhe daquele homem.

Word Count: 255
2 November 2022
Courage From Alice by Delacroiix

Gen | NatM Zine, Fluff, Angst

A little piece featuring Teddy before the movies and his relationship with his daughter Alice.

Word Count: 1.5K | Archived
1 November 2022
Precedence by clumsyghost

Jedtavius | NatM Zine, Fluff

In Lak'ech Ala K'in. I am you, and you are me. He was the freedom of the open air and the humidity of the forest. Octavius was poetry, discipline, beauty.

The Mayan exhibit hosts a festival; Jedediah faces his feelings for Octavius.

Word Count: 2.2K | Archived
1 November 2022
the food of love by Waistcoat35

Jedtavius | NatM Zine, Fluff, Humor

Word Count: 1.4K | Archived
11 October 2022
Pharaoh's first love by Incogni_inc

Ahkmenrah X OC | Romance

When you visit a night display at the museum, a lot can happen.

Word Count: 2.7K
6 September 2022
What goes on after dusk by Anonymous

Courtly Love | Fluff

Word Count: 1.2K
23 August 2022
Cato Maior de Senectute por TheMarshalVanth

Jedtavius | Fluff

Su armadura pesa ante la carga del liderazgo sobre sus hombros. Es un fiel devoto de los dioses, y acepta este hecho como obra de las deidades que guían su camino. Así que cuando su mente se llena de dudas tras su último despertar, decide acudir a ellos para resolver sus dudas; el porqué de su apego a Jedediah y su temor a perderlo.

Word Count: 5.1K
16 August 2022
A veinte centímetros por Valta

Jedtavius | Fluff

Jedediah lleva enamorado de Octavius mucho tiempo, cuando los sentimientos afloran en un momento de tensión no tiene más remedio que dejarse llevar.

Word Count: 2.2K
10 August 2022
Bára at the Museum by AuxiliaryDetective

Ahkmenrah X OC | Slice of Life

A collection of scene rewrites featuring my OC, Bára Heiðradóttir. They involve fun interactions with Larry and the museum exhibits, a little Norse Mythology-inspired theory on how the tablet works, but also a darker exchange about "dead" exhibits - and Bára having a crush on whoever the Pharaoh may be.

Word Count: 3.8K
10 August 2022
Exploring Squeaks by PrisonMoose

Jedtavius, Knightguard, Tin Cans | Pining, Fluff

A little bit of Larry/Lancelot and Octavius/Lancelot just because I feel like it

Word Count: 918
5 August 2022
Dr. McPhee Ficlet Collection by BaconWrappedRainbows

Museum Dads | Fluff, Pining

A collection of unconnected ficlets/drabbles centred on Dr. McPhee and my headcanons for him.

Word Count: 5.9K
3 August 2022
Much Like Stardust by Did_I_Forget_Something

Ahkmenrah X OC | Romance

Vincent Martin has unfortunate timing. He needs to save museum exhibits more than once. Vincent has no other choice but to join a gang of wax and polyester statues with a rowdy human leader to save them three separate times.

Word Count: 19.4K
25 July 2022
TORCHLIGHT 由 hentaix

Larry/Custer | Fluff

Word Count: 3.6K
25 July 2022
左胸第四根肋骨向内一寸 由 hentaix

Courtly Love | Adventure, Fluff, Pining

Word Count: 9.2K
25 July 2022
卡拿相性一百问(前50问) 由 hentaix

Capoleon | Humor


Word Count: 3.1K
31 May 2022
Kingdoms by HistoricalKitten

Jedtavius | Fluff, Angst, Humor

A series of stories in the NatM world centering around the Miniatures, especially Octavius and Jedediah. They are historically accurate tales with drama, humor, and violence.

Word Count: 209K
19 May 2022
Oxytocin by BaconWrappedRainbows

Museum Dads, Jedtavius | Fluff

Larry keeps seeing advertisements for this "cuddle therapy" place, but he doesn't even consider giving it a try until a particularly rough day at work leaves him confused and just wishing someone would hold him. He may get a little bit more than he bargained for in his appointment, though, as he's coming in with plenty to unpack.

Word Count: 6.1K
21 April 2022
NATM by Ireally_lovemacdemarc0

Jedtavius, Tablet Guardians, Capoleon, Kahmunrah/Lancelot, Amelia/Custer | Fluff

Some Capolean and other ships from night at the museum

Word Count: 3.1K
19 April 2022
Keep It Down, McPhee by BaconWrappedRainbows

Museum Dads | Angst, Hurt/Comfort

“Leslie, are you alright?” Larry asks softly.
Hearing Larry say his first name is simply too much. Dr. McPhee feels hot tears burning at his eyes, and the lump in his throat becomes like a stabbing pain. “No,” he manages, and he dares to squeeze Larry tighter.
“It’ll be okay.”
A tear rolls down the former director’s cheek, soaking into the material of Larry’s coat. He shakes his head. “No.”
“I’ll do everything I can to get you your job back. I promise.”
“I believe you. And I’m so grateful for that, truly. But that’s…” They swallow, closing their eyes. More tears slip down their flushed cheeks. “It won’t be the same.”

Word Count: 2.8K
10 April 2022
Honeymoon Wars by xSophie2x

Jedtavius, Capoleon, Larry/Rebecca, Ahkmenrah X OC | AU (Reality TV), Drama, Fake Dating

Jedediah hates his next door neighbour, Octavius, and gets hated heatedly in return. Despite that, they end up competing in a reality TV show as fake fiancees; the promise of fee food and the possibility of winning a free vacation can do that to a person. And what could go wrong?

Word Count: 18.2K
7 April 2022
Oneshot collection by Quinn_Eden

Octavius x Reader | Friendship, Humor, Fluff, Romance

Word Count: 1K
7 April 2022
Domestic Agony by BaconWrappedRainbows

Museum Dads | Slice of Life, Pining, Fluff

With Erica, he’d taken this kind of intimacy for granted. The kind that wasn’t sexual, but deeply emotional— the kind that made a person feel loved, needed, and replenished. Larry craves it now, with Leslie… They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but for Larry, absence only makes his heart ache.

Word Count: 3.5K
6 April 2022
In The Silence by TheMultitudesOfMe

Sacajawea X OC | AU (Canon Divergence)

Sacajawea finds a way to communicate with the woman she loves. Vanessa is patient even when she already understands her.

Word Count: 123
5 April 2022
A Safe Place To Cry (Just Don’t Give Up) by TheMultitudesOfMe

Amelia X OC | Angst

Amelia convinces Venus not to give up... doesn't she?

Venus comes to her when she needs help the most but can it possibly work?

Word Count: 301
28 March 2022
Like Real People Do by XxnoxX

Jedtavius, Ahkmenrah X OC | Pining, Fluff

After his near death experience with that maniac Pharaoh, Jed begins to rethink his life. More specially, his feelings. Octavius used to be just a good friend. Always being there for him and visa versa. Always having a good time and company. But recently, Jed began to notice some things about his friend. Things regular "friends" normally wouldn't. On top of dealing with his new discovered feelings, the tablet begins to... malfunction.

Word Count: 9.5K
27 March 2022
Unconventional Means by BaconWrappedRainbows

Museum Dads | Angst, Fluff

“Dr. McPhee, please—” Larry grabs the other’s wrist, drawing a kind of squeak from him. “I know it’s hard to believe, but I’m telling you the truth, about everything.”
McPhee stares at the point of contact between them, eyes widening. A blush dusts his round cheeks, and his lips part slightly.
Larry has no idea what to make of this, so he simply continues. “I swear to you, I’m being honest. And to save the museum, I need your help. I can’t do it without you.”
“I see right through what you’re doing. You’re playing with my feelings,” McPhee snaps, tearing their arm out of Larry’s grasp.

Word Count: 2.4K
17 March 2022
Larpheee by bitter_lemonade

Museum Dads | Crack, Humor

A joke fic for some friends ( you know who u are)

Word Count: 257
20 February 2022
ruin by fate_is_a_lie🔒

Gen | Angst, Hurt/Comfort

ahkmenrah finds out how he died.

Word Count: 2.2K
14 December 2021
You Are Not A Monster by AmericanLeader1776

Gen | Slice of Life, Hurt/Comfort

Cecil is once again causing a ruckus in the museum, but he isn't looking to steal anything. He is looking to get rid of a long-time thorn in his side. And he uses a close friend to get to Teddy so he can kill him.

Word Count: 1.2K
11 December 2021
night of the good omens by TheSuicidalLizard

Jedtavius, Tin Cans | Crossover, AU (Good Omens, Angels and Demons), Fluff, Angst, Drama, Adventure

According to 'The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch', written in 1655 before she exploded, the world will end on a Saturday. Next Saturday, in fact. Just after tea... And, it is up to museum exhibits Snake Demon Jedediah and Principality Angel Octavius to stop the Antichrist from bringing forth The End Of The World.

Oh, and someone seems to have misplaced the Antichrist.

Word Count: 141K
7 December 2021
As Powerful as the Nile by Chirstmas25

Non-NatM Pairs | Crossover

Ankhesenaum Wakes up in the museum of natural history after being put on display, she will gain new friends and have many laughs perhaps even fall in love.

But what will happen when her deeds from the past come back to haunt her.

Word Count: 3K
22 November 2021
Any Weather by EwokRae22

Jedtavius | Fluff, Humor, Angst

Word Count: 151K | Dedicated Page
11 November 2021
Capoleon stuff!!! by Ptite_Cahuete

Capoleon | Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Angst

Word Count: 46.2K
16 October 2021
The start of a new beginning by Aquietwriter25

Museum Dads | Pre-Relationship

Larry and McPhee have a much needed talk, the old nightguard returns and he might just have a new relationship in the works.

Word Count: 351
12 October 2021
when the sunlight dies by manofbeskar

Courtly Love | Fluff

“Well, then it’s settled,” Lancelot declares, clapping once as if coming to a grand conclusion. “You have no knights to rule and I have no king to serve. It is like destiny that we have ended up this way.”

Ahkmenrah blinks, trying to understand what Lancelot is saying. “However do you mean?”

Word Count: 14.4K
22 September 2021
Irritated at the Museum by herecomestroublr

Nick X Reader | Fluff

After being friends with Nicholas Daley for seven years, you didn't think it was weird how much time he spent at the museum where his dad worked. That is, until you accidentally find out why.

Word Count: 2K
20 September 2021
Sólo un poquito más por BrunicioBrunaldo

Jedtavius | Romance, Friendship

Jed sólo quiere sentir más cerca a Octavius.

Word Count: 878
22 August 2021
The Unsinkable Ship, The RMS Titanic by Anonymous

Jedtavius, Octavius X OC | Crossover, Angst, Romance

Octavius Augustus is a 16 year old boy who is living a life he is trapped in, Going to be married off to a woman he doesn’t love when his family reaches America.

Jedediah Smith is a 20 year old boy living his best life traveling the world. He won a Ticket for the RMS Titanic in poker for the third class.

The twos path cross, on an Ill fated voyage across the Atlantic.

Word Count: 608
18 August 2021
The Heart that Yearned for Another by YDraigAur

Gen | Crossover, Angst

Loki arrives at the Museum of Natural History and he and Ahkmenrah discover that they understand each other more than anyone else. Brothers never really worked out well for either of them before, but perhaps that can change.

Word Count: 3K
7 August 2021
owcu fic collection by gxldendxys

Jedediah X Reader, Non-NatM Pairs | Fluff, Angst

(the owcu stands for owen wilson cinematic universe) fics and drabbles all fresh from having been posted on my tumblr, all to do with a character played by owen wilson!

Word Count: 9.8K
31 July 2021
El Corazón del Tiempo: El corazón del Sol y Un corazón romano por WorshipCircle

Jedtavius | Romance, Drama

Han pasado unos años desde que Ahkmenrah se quedara en Londres junto a sus padres, cuando un ensayo universitario vuelve a poner al ahora estudiante y ex guardia nocturno en el camino del joven Faraón.

Word Count: 89.9K
25 July 2021
Mobius McQueen Mobius: Into The Mobiusverse by ThePowerlessSkull

Non-NatM Pairs | Crossover, Humor

"Prune him."
Ravonna looked guilty enough to show that she cared. Not guilty enough to seem like she was losing a friend forever, willinglly erasing him fully from existence.
Mobius wanted to hope that wasn't the case.

Word Count: 3K
19 July 2021
I'll Catch You by travellermp3

Jedediah X Reader | Fluff, Hurt/Comfort

Sometimes unwanted thoughts crept into your mind, when you thought about those things for too long. They said awful things about you to the others. How pitiful and cowardly you were. Octavius really isn’t your friend, he just feels bad for you. Jedediah doesn’t really love you, he thinks you’re weak and pathetic.

Word Count: 1K
12 July 2021
“I hate him” by myworldoffanfiction

Gen | Hurt/Comfort, Drama

Kahmunrah hated his baby brother so much it was fuel enough to kill him

Word Count: 7.5K
27 June 2021
His Queen by KittenAria

Non-NatM Pairs | Crossover

Persephone Amphitrite Jackson goes by the nicknames Sephy, Amphy and Effie is sitting at a lake when she learns of family on her mother's side and becomes close with them. A couple years later she looks for a job and the museum of natural history is looking to hire two night guards. She joins Larry Daley as the second night guard she comes to see Larry like a father and vice versa. She forms a relationship with a Pharaoh.

Word Count: 10.3K
18 June 2021
An Email, a Text Message, and a Letter by YDraigAur

Ahkmenrah X OC | Angst

A short epistolary I wrote for school, forgot about, and rediscovered last night, featuring Ahkmenrah’s Not Great Mental State, and a random OC. Who is Elsie? I don’t know!

Word Count: 564
7 June 2021
Et malgré la distance qui nous sépare de oOoPlumeStilinskioOo

Jedtavius | Fluff, Humor

Word Count: 900 | FF.N
12 May 2021
quid faciam, cum te, mea vaca pueri? by lobsterthermidor

Jedtavius, Joan/Amelia | AU (Time Travel), Hurt/Comfort, Fluff

quid faciam, cum te, mea vaca pueri? [what will i do with you, my cowboy?]

Sometimes, the universe works in the weirdest of ways, and sometimes, it transports you right back to the love of your life

Word Count: 2K
5 May 2021
Whatever I Said (I Didn't Mean It) by poison_but_tasty

Jedtavius, Courtly Love | AU (Modern), Angst, Hurt/Comfort

Prompt: They have a fight, Jed says something he regrets.

Word Count: 4.1K
11 April 2021
The Museum's Ghost Girl by AthenaLentz93

Nick X OC, Ahkmenrah X OC | Angst

Mia is a ten-year-old girl that died in 1926 she is a little girl told by Selene the moon goddess to protect Akhmenrah and the Tablet for as she died she was tethered to it, shipped off from Egypt to The Natural History Museum in Brooklyn, New York State

Mia teams up with Larry Daley and helps him become the night guard he is meant to be but protect his son Nicky whom she falls in love with.

She must fulfill her destiny for her reward is of greatness if she succeeds in protecting the tablet, the exhibits, the Daley boys as her friends help her out on this journey where history comes to life.
The Museum's Ghost Girl.

Note: While the story is marked Explicit, it is seemingly abandoned. The content within is entirely safe for work.

Word Count: 5.7K
30 January 2021
Dating Nicky Daley and him revealing the secret of the museum to you by CrankyBrekker

Nick X Reader | Slice of Life

Word Count: 311
8 January 2021
but writing shall make him remembered by a_nybodys

Ahkmenrah X OC | Pre-Canon

I wanted to write about Ancient Egypt and what Ahk's life might've been like before he was brought to the Museum of Natural History.

Word Count: 7.3K
4 January 2021
Night At The Museum X Reader Oneshots by SoulFlameSketches

Ahkmenrah X Reader, Larry X Reader | Fluff

So, I recently watched the trilogy again for nostalgia reason, and now I believe as an adult, I got even more attached to the characters. now I have some inspiration to write again.

Word Count: 792
10 December 2020
No me volveré a enamorar por Yumi Di Angelo Jackson

Tablet Guardians | Fluff

Larry había jurado, tras sus numerosas y desastrosas relaciones, que nunca volvería a enamorarse. Hasta que un antiguo faraón apareció en su vida.

Word Count: 1.4K
2 December 2020
Take Two by Viskovie🔒

Capoleon | Fluff, Humor

Al Capone. Infamous gangster, racketeer and crime icon of the early twentieth century. Known more commonly by his nickname Scarface, which he openly hated.
Napoleon Bonaparte. Famous Revolution-era French general. Typically characterised in modern media as unusually short and combative.

Not exactly what you'd call 'compatible', but they might be able to make it work. But not before enough mutual pining and angst to put hollywood out of business, of course.

Word Count: 1.5K
29 November 2020
Akimenrah Short Stories by GayGothicFanboy

Ahkmenrah X OC | Fluff, Angst

Short stories for Ahk x Akim (my oc).

Word Count: 689
1 November 2020
What If She Says No? by GayGothicFanboy

Amelia/Sacajawea | Romance

Wea is anxious about proposing to Amelia.

Word Count: 324
26 October 2020
The Assassin Doesn't Play Nice...Or Maybe She Does by GayGothicFanboy

Amelia/Sacajawea | AU (Assassin)

She needs money, but it seems like the only way to do it is to assassinate a famed political leader.

Word Count: 909
26 October 2020
Burning Desire by GayGothicFanboy

Amelia/Sacajawea, Rebecca/Sacajawea, Joan/Amelia | Fluff, Angst, Pining

She hates how jealous they make her.

Word Count: 962
24 October 2020
Bit of magic in the Museum by Altiria

Non-NatM Pairs | Whump

It was all part of the job, look into the strange magic signature in the museum and remove it before the Muggles notices. Downside? The Muggles already had, and the cause was… well, hot.

Word Count: 1.7K
12 October 2020
For Me? by GayGothicFanboy

Attila/Laaa | Fluff

Attila recieves a gift.

Word Count: 161
11 October 2020
I think I like you by hopeful_insomniac

Courtly Love | Fluff, Pining

When Ahkmenrah decides to stay behind in the British Museum, he never expected to take romantic interest in a certain knight.

Word Count: 880
9 October 2020
Just Breathe by GayGothicFanboy

Al/Ivan | Angst, Hurt/Comfort

Everytime Al's depression kicks in, Ivan reminds him to breathe.

Word Count: 847
29 September 2020
You Can Do This by GayGothicFanboy

Amelia/Sacajawea | Fluff

Amelia struggles to come out to Wea.

Word Count: 111
28 September 2020
Situations by GayGothicFanboy

Amelia/Sacajawea | Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort

Wea and Rebecca keep getting in situations that frustrates Amelia.

Word Count: 260
28 September 2020
Proud Mary by Blackbeltkitten2

Capoleon | AU (1980s)

Twenty years old and he was already getting pestered, and he was tired of it. The questions from his family-friends, the intrusive nosiness, the occasional looks, "Where ya goin' in life, Al?" "Who's the dame?" "Gonna get an ol' ball n' chain anytime soon, ey?" he was finished. That's when he packed his bags, kissed his mama and his sister on the cheek, shook his pa's and his bothers' hands, told them "I gotta see things, go places, get out of the borough and find out what new towns can be like for me," promised to write any chance he got, and copped a seat on a bus.

Word Count: 3.3K
28 August 2020
Just One Message by GayGothicFanboy

Amelia/Sacajawea | AU (High School), Angst, Pining

Just one message would change her life forever.

Word Count: 140
28 August 2020
Pride at the Museum by GayGothicFanboy

Jedtavius, Amelia/Sacajawea, Al/Ivan, Larry/Don, Ahkmenrah X OC | Fluff, Slice of Life

Larry hosts a pride parade at the museum.

Word Count: 458
25 August 2020
It Wasn't So Bad by GayGothicFanboy

Amelia/Sacajawea | Fluff

Amelia takes Wea on a flight.

Word Count: 195
20 August 2020
What He Does Isn't Your Concern by GayGothicFanboy

Al/Ivan | Slice of Life

Ivan stands up for Al.

Word Count: 106
20 August 2020
Finally Growing Up by GayGothicFanboy

Amelia/Sacajawea, Jedtavius, Al/Ivan, Ahkmenrah X OC | AU (Modern)

Amelia, Wea, Jed, and Octavius have been friends since childhood--now, it's time for them to accept that they're not children anymore.

Word Count: 532
18 August 2020
Parenting Wars by GayGothicFanboy

Jedtavius, Amelia/Sacajawea | Slice of Life

Larry tries to show the exhibits that parenting isn't as easy as they think it is. But Jed and Octavius challenge Amelia and Wea to a competition to see who would be better parents.

Word Count: 904
15 August 2020
This Should Be Your Warning by GayGothicFanboy

Amelia/Sacajawea, Jedtavius, Al/Ivan, Ahkmenrah X OC, Napoleon X OC | AU (1920s), Angst

Amelia shouldn't have trusted anyone.

Word Count: 1.7K
8 August 2020
Stuck On Her by GayGothicFanboy

Amelia/Sacajawea, Jedtavius, Al/Ivan, Ahkmenrah X OC | Hurt/Comfort

At the Smithsonian, Wea and the group are stuck in that crate. But suddenly, a red-haired girl bursts in telling them all what they have to do. Once they defeat Kahmunrah, they must return to New York...too bad Wea has already fallen for Amelia.

Word Count: 3.3K
7 August 2020
Leave Him by GayGothicFanboy

Jedtavius, Jedediah X OC | Drama

Octavius convinces Jed to leave his abusive boyfriend.

Word Count: 199
7 August 2020
Anything You Want by GayGothicFanboy

AL/Ivan | Slice of Life

Kahmunrah tells them that they'll get anything they want when he rules the world.

Word Count: 120
4 August 2020
You Are Awesome by GayGothicFanboy

Al/Ivan | Fluff

Al tells Ivan that he is awesome.

Word Count: 145
4 August 2020
When The Soviet Soldier Met The Pharaoh by GayGothicFanboy

Ahkmenrah X OC | Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff

There's a new exhibit at the museum and Ahkmenrah tries to introduce himself.

Word Count: 2.6K
31 July 2020
In This World (And Any Other) by Pixiemage

Jedtavius, Tablet Guardians, Tin Cans, Jedediah/Amelia | AU (Modern), Universe Hopping

When Jedediah and Octavius tumble into the ventilation system of the British Museum, they fall much farther than either of them are expecting. Thrown into a billowing cyclone, fighting against a cacophonous wind storm that threatens to blow them asunder, the pair of miniatures are torn apart from each other and sent careening into a disorienting light that deposits them far, far from home. They find themselves in a world where things are much different - where the Natural History Museum plays no part in their meeting - and where memories of a life they never lived drown out the ones from their reality. Falling through universes, jumping through time, Jedediah and Octavius chase after memories that feel like dreams and try to track down and keep ahold of the knowledge of where they really came from...all the while wondering if their other half still remembers who they both really are.

They fall into the air duct as friends. Whether they come out of it that way remains to be seen.

Word Count: 38.7K
28 July 2020
The Truth by GayGothicFanboy

Amelia/Sacajawea, Theodore Roosevelt/Sacajawea | Pining

Teddy asks Wea for the truth of why she doesn't seem to like kissing him.

Word Count: 366
8 July 2020
Atrapado por Sonidos-de-desesperacion

Gen | Angst, Drama

La perspectiva del joven faraón durante su encierro.

Word Count: 1.4K | AO3
8 July 2020
En ti mi querido Larry por Sonidos-de-desesperacion

Tablet Guardians | Fluff

Pensamientos que tiene el joven faraón respecto a Larry, una declaración de amor pero sin respuesta.

Word Count: 447 | AO3
1 June 2020
One Hundred Roman Years by Anonymous

Capoleon | Pining

It’s a waste of time, and yet he persists.

Word Count: 2.4K
11 May 2020
ain’t like that by Szekeres_Szilveszter

Capoleon, Napoleon X OC | Fluff, Angst, Jealousy

‘i gotta say, ya don’t realize how much ya like someone ‘til they’re gone.’

Word Count: 866
2 May 2020
Тридцать by SomeAnonymousAuthor

Tablet Guardians, Amelia/Rebecca

Один день - один драббл

Word Count: 15K
24 April 2020
i won’t tell by Szekeres_Szilveszter

Capoleon | Fluff, Humor

‘changin’ the topic, are ya?’

Word Count: 470
23 April 2020
american humor by Szekeres_Szilveszter

Capoleon | Fluff

‘i’ve always wanted to, actually.’

Word Count: 350
18 April 2020
Do Not Swear By The Moon by AllePuffle and GodIsGayQueenB

Non-NatM Pairs | Crossover, AU (Soulmates), Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort

In a world where you can only see color when you meet your soulmate, Tim Murphy has resigned himself to a colorless life. But when a surprising archeological find sends him hurtling back in time to a world he's only read about in history books, his life changes forever. Finally, he can see color.

Word Count: 20.9K
16 April 2020
no good by Szekeres_Szilveszter

Capoleon | Angst

napoleon is at his limit. he covers his face and begins to cry.

Word Count: 3.5K
20 March 2020
奇美拉 由 AlumQuin

Non-NatM Pairs | Crossover


Word Count: 4.2K
10 March 2020
Nudge by Yotka and Anonymous

Capoleon | Friendship, Fluff

That damned Capuchin monkey stole the tablet the night before the exhibits of the Museum of Natural History were relocated to the Smithsonian. Thankfully, no evil Ancient Egyptian pharaoh with motives to rule the world inhabits their new home. For once, Larry’s friends will have nothing to worry about.

However, that doesn’t mean that the entirety of the Smithsonian’s exhibits coming alive is a good thing. At least, after a bunch of gun-crazy fighting, the Napoleon Bonaparte wax figures and the Al Capone exhibit seem to be getting along.

Word Count: 8K
9 March 2020
Audere Est Facere by Natelley

Ahkmenrah x OC, Kahmunrah x OC, Larry/Rebecca, Jedtavius | Fluff, Angst

What happened before Ahk went to New York and what happened in Cambridge?

Word Count: 314K
2 March 2020
Like-Like by Anonymous

Capoleon | Fluff, Humor

Al and Napoleon act like they hate each other, but the entirety of the museum — including Larry — knows what’s up. It’s only a matter of when.

Word Count: 1.7K
20 February 2020
Been Immortalized by Vodkassassin

Jedtavius, Non-NatM Pairs | Crossover

“It's been stressing Death out for ages, sometimes moving but not often. Started out in Egypt but hasn't been for a while. It's in America, now. Why not check it out?”

“What will I be looking for, exactly?”

“You'll know it when you see it. A small area, just a building. Life blooms in it every night, and ceases every morning until midnight, before it starts all over again. It's at a museum, in New York. They've got a night guard position open. A general would be the perfect fit for it, wouldn't you think?”

Word Count: 13.5K
7 February 2020
monarchs we once were by RuanChunXian

Non-NatM Pairs | Crossover

Prompt: Susan/Ahkmenrah, monarchs without kingdoms

Word Count: 278
27 December 2019
An Artist's Dream by Angel_of_Death_3000yrs🔒

Ahkmenrah X Reader | Hurt/Comfort

Same as the one I posted on Fanfic. Our chubby bunny is upset with how cruel the new exhibit is to her and Ahk comforts her.

Word Count: 1K
29 September 2019
Night at the Museum: The New Museum by putyourpantson

Jedtavius | Fluff

It had been four years since the Ahk’s tablet had been sent to London, and four years since Larry stopped working at The Natural History Museum.
So it was a huge surprise when Larry opened his inbox and found an email regarding the ‘new’ museum opening in New York, who wanted to hire him.

Word Count: 585
30 April 2019
Knight of the Pharoh by SaturnSloth

Courtly Love | Fluff

Ahkmenrah and Lancelot take a walk.

Word Count: 754
25 March 2019
Until it tears us apart by VolatileBirdie

Ahkmenrah X OC | Slice of Life

''Some kind of stories are told as romantic, some of them are told as horrible, but some aren't told. Have you ever wondered what happened to Ahkmenrah ? What really happened that the 3 movies haven't told us ? Let me tell you the story of Ahkmenrah and Nari...''

Word Count: 3.6K
3 March 2019
A Dart Brought Us Here by upsetslingshot

Ahkmenrah/Attila | AU (Modern)

"The singer beamed and waved back at Ahk. The drum solo ended but the singer didn’t stop looking at Ahk. A ripple of laughter went through the crowd as the guitarist stamped his foot several times until the singer jumped and started performing again."

Thanks to Ahk's bad dart-throwing skills, he and Kah have ended up in Atyrua, Kazakhstan on holiday. There's not to much here to see except: snow; markets... and one particular heavy metal singer.

Word Count: 25.4K
6 February 2019
Around The World Series by coldfusion9797

Jedtavius, Tablet Guardians | Slice of Life, Fluff

Word Count: 19.6K
30 November 2018
法老与骑士 由 Lyn_Kal

Courtly Love | Fluff

Word Count: 2.5K
14 November 2018
Bad, Bad Alphonse Capone by Blackbeltkitten2

Jedtavius, Capoleon, Lewis/Clark | Fluff, Angst, Drama

Al and the boys practically beg (Though they won’t stoop so far as to say they were actually begging.) to be colored up like everyone else. Finally one day they get a paint-job, despite McPhee’s ever-present paranoia; Capone and the gang being popular in grey-scale. Several weeks after they finally get what they want, Al gets in a fight, and doesn’t come out of it well. Luckily for him Napoleon is compassionate enough to put up with Al’s grating personality to help him.

Word Count: 15.8K
13 November 2018
Ba by Wandering_Adventurer

Courtly Love, Ahkmenrah x OC, Lancelot x OC | Adventure

A different telling of Night at the Museum! Larry Daley's eldest child, Gwen, gets a full paying scholarship to a school in the UK. It's been two weeks since she's left DC when Larry gets news of a trip to the UK. He and Nick head over there with the Smithsonian collection for a special exhibit -- hopefully they'll be able to see Gwen too.

Word Count: 3.3K
25 October 2018
Ночной Нью-Йорк by Pheeby

Tin Cans, Jedediah/Kahmunrah | AU (Human), Humor, Romance

Джедидайя пытается найти путь к сердцу солидного мужчины.

Word Count: 1.7K
24 October 2018
Узы крови by AlyonaSL & Sunofnw

Tablet Guardians, Kahmunrah/Lancelot | AU (Modern), Drama

Какая бы беда ни случилась с Аком, Камунра помогал ему. Всё-таки родная кровь. Так вышло и на этот раз.

Word Count: 9.8K
3 September 2018
Bennu by NancyBrown

Non-NatM Pairs | Crossover, AU (Soulmates)

Imhotep doesn't wake up in Hamunaptra. He wakes up at the British Museum, where someone has been waiting to meet him for a very long time.

Word Count: 3.1K
16 August 2018
Dancing with Mummies by Mauisse_Flowers🔒

Ahkmenrah X OC, Non-NatM Pairs | AU (Werewolf)

Becoming a curator wasn't her first option in life, but neither was, apparently, becoming a werewolf's Mate. At least Hannah was getting some help for both.

Word Count: 14.9K
28 July 2018
An old friend by Anonymous

Jedtavius, Jedediah X OC, Octavius X OC | Fluff, Romance

where a Marcus Agrippa miniature is brought to the museum and Octavius doesn’t know what to do with himself

Word Count: 5.2K
1 June 2018
Samsāra by DeathLife97

Ahkmenrah X OC, Non-NatM Pairs | AU (Modern)

Benjamin’s silver eyes wandered around the museum, automatically following behind his parents as their tour guide led their group through the museum. Two years ago, archaeologists excavated the lost tomb of Ahkmenrah, a pharaoh from the twenty-fourth dynasty of Egypt, just before the Late Period began. It was only just now allowed to tour the world, with its latest stop in London.

Word Count: 2.9K
1 May 2018
АУ-челлендж (сборник текстов) by AlyonaSL

Kahmunrah/Lancelot | Humor, Romance

Драбблы с майского АУ-челленджа-2018: каждый день по одному (кроме тем, которые автор решил пропустить).

Word Count: 17.2K
2 March 2018
Jed & Octavius by poison_but_tasty

Jedtavius, Courtly Love | Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort

Octavius gets a lot of attention from other men. Jedediah definitely isn’t jealous.

Word Count: 11.5K
25 February 2018
Метаморфозы by AlyonaSL

Tablet Guardians, Larry/Erica | Drama, Romance

Word Count: 2.5K
3 February 2018
Творческие Кубики (сборник игровых драбблов) by AlyonaSL

Jedtavius, Tablet Guardians, Kahmunrah/Lancelot | Humor, Romance, Friendship

Драбблы с "игры в Кубики" - творческого челленджа, где из списка случайным образом выбираются два персонажа и жанр, а автор отдувается потом :)

Word Count: 3.4K
3 February 2018
Рождественский челлендж (сборник текстов) by AlyonaSL

Jedtavius, Tablet Guardians | Romance, Humor

Драбблы с декабрьского Рождественского челленджа-2017: каждый день по одному.

Word Count: 24.4K
31 December 2017
Roma Amor by lacygrey

Jedtavius, Jedediah X OC | Family, Slice of Life, Romance

In which Octavius has five sisters and his mother thinks Jed would make perfect husband material for one of them.

Word Count: 2.6K
2 December 2017
Night at the museum Drabbles by Jaybeezs

Jedtavius, Courtly Love, Capoleon | Adventure

Little drabbles of night at the museum characters

Word Count: 1.6K
1 December 2017
La última luz de Egipto por xLeiaBlack

Gen | Drama

La vida de Akhmenrah cambiará radicalmente cuando una joven descubra el secreto que su padre y todos los integrantes del museo tanto tiempo llevan guardando.

Word Count: 1.8K
25 November 2017
Постфактум by AlyonaSL

Jedtavius, Tablet Guardians | Romance, Humor

Персонажи канона стали реальными живыми людьми: как складывается их жизнь в современной действительности.

Word Count: 16.3K
17 November 2017
Всё по-честному by AlyonaSL

Capoleon | Humor

на что могут играть в карты мафиози и французский император

Word Count: 252
11 November 2017
Первое свидание by AlyonaSL

Tilly/Laaa | Romance, Humor

женщин обижать не рекомендуется

Word Count: 937
31 October 2017
Going Forth By Day by rudolphsb9

Kahmunrah X OC | Adventure

“You shouldn’t have tried to escape from me,” Kahmunrah said forbiddingly. A lump lodged in Larry’s throat. Before, Kahmunrah was just some nuisance to deal with in a creative fashion so he could go home and move on with his life. Now, he was dangerous.

Larry had to get out, and he had to get out quickly. And alive. Preferably alive.


Larry had no idea what was in store for him when Kahmunrah started messing around with doors to the underworld.

Word Count: 19.5K
1 October 2017
Only the Beginning by The_Silent_Writer

Ahkmenrah X OC, Non-NatM Pairs | Crossover

Ahkmenrah is a young prince with no one but his caretaker, Amintah, to talk to. That is until one day he meets a boy with hair like gold and eyes like oceans roaming his palace halls.

Word Count: 2.8K
25 September 2017
The New Night Guard by DragonStar84

Ahkmenrah X OC | Romance, Mystery, Adventure

May volunteered to fill in as night guard and it changes her life in ways she never could have imagined. When the true power of the tablet is revealed she realizes that bringing museum exhibits to life was just the tip of the ice burg.

Word Count: 20.5K
8 September 2017
Ошибка молодости by AlyonaSL

Tablet Guardians, Ahkmenrah X OC | Slice of Life

Фик написан по архивной заявке Фикбука: "Идея фанфика такова пусть у Лэрри будет ещё дочь старшая и она будет с ним работать ,а в остальном я доверяю автору ))))))))))))))))))))"

Автор в любом случае благодарит заказчика за внезапное вдохновение.

Word Count: 5.3K
25 August 2017
Night at the Apartment by leafsquire

Capoleon | Slice of Life

Years after Secret of the Tomb, the exhibits we know and love from the other museums were shipped in to the Museum of Natural History (including the tablet and Ahk). One night, the tablet unexpectedly dies on them, causing them to become fully human. Larry is now the landlord for an apartment full of historical figures trying to make lives for themselves.

Word Count: 1K
30 July 2017
Ativan Eyes by karrenia_rune

Larry/Attila | Slice of Life

The title comes from a Ted Leo and the Pharmacists song.

Word Count: 1.5K
28 July 2017
Une valse à trois milles temps de Uki96

Tablet Guardians | Fluff

Lorsque l'Univers attend plus de trois milles ans pour unir deux personnes, mieux vaux tard que jamais après tout.

Word Count: 2.4K
9 July 2017
NATM!Star Wars AU by upsetslingshot

Jedtavius, Henchmen Squad, Octavius/Kahmunrah | Crossover, AU (Star Wars), Adventure

Prince Ahkmenrah has made a daring escape from his home planet of Azameen. He has fled the system and is on the lookout for anyway he can become a Jedi.
Meanwhile, Larry Daley has taken the job of co-pilot to the courier Jedediah Smith. Along the way they make friends with Mayor Teddy Roosevelt, his bodyguard Attila and the Force Sensitive Sacajawea.
Little do they know that dark forces are spreading throughout the galaxy, with every bounty hunter in the galaxy looking for Prince Ahkmenrah.
Now there's not long left until the Dark Side of the Force catches up with them, and there is no Jedi there to save them...

Word Count: 96.5K
7 June 2017
impossible things before breakfast, Chapter 3 by amusewithaview

Non-NatM Pairs | Crossover, Angst

"I just found 18 on that prompt list and it resonates in my soul. Plus I thought of Darcy/Ahkmenrah. Because I'm a nerd and I seem to only function in Darcy Rarepairs these days. I really honestly do blame you because all of the rarepairs I really ship are thanks to you."

18) I don’t know how to make things right. So I’ll just keep pretending that nothing’s wrong. (you know that I’m no good)

Word Count: 382
13 May 2017
Prendre ce risque de YangYingYungYen

Larry Daley/Jedediah | Hurt/Comfort

Un petit bonhomme et un gardien de nuit. Une figurine et un humain. Une histoire d'amour impossible. Sauf si...

Word Count: 4.7K
28 April 2017
All These Paper Planes by AvengingPhoenix

Jedtavius, Tablet Guardians, Capoleon | AU (College), Hurt/Comfort

Napoleon is an outcast, a foreign exchange student. Alongside his two friends, Ahkmenrah and Octavius, they will discover that life and love may not always be easy but it is worth it. And thank the Gods for paper planes.

Word Count: 3K
12 March 2017
Knight At The Museum Series by pigeonfeathers

Nick/Lancelot, Erica X OC | Fluff, Slice of Life, Romance

A series in the Knight At The Museum universe, where Nicky went back to the British Museum instead of staying in Ibiza for his gap year after the events of the 3rd movie. Nobody is straight and everything is going to work out just fine.

Word Count: 32.2K
29 January 2017
From Strangers to Lovers by CecilWolford

Jedtavius, Courtly Love | AU (Modern), Fluff, Angst

Jedediah never expected to fall for the stranger he met that afternoon in New York, he also never expected to see him again in his hometown nearly two months later.

Word Count: 2K
19 January 2017
Sworn to Protect You by CecilWolford

Jedtavius, Courtly Love | Fluff, Humor, Angst

After another year at the British museum, Ahkmenrah has finally settled down and is comfortable with his living space. He is back with his family and couldn't ask for anything else. Of course, many unexpected things had happened, for example, Lancelot suddenly became his bodyguard and swore to protect him from anything that could cause him harm. Though Lance can't for certain protect him from everything, he can try. And now there's a new exhibit in the museum and Lancelot fears that he may have some competition. Besides that, there's news of Kahmunrah possibly returning once again.

Word Count: 6.4K
5 January 2017
The Truth Of The Matter by RaeOfGayshine🔒

Ahkmenrah X OC | Slice of Life

When Larry offered to help Ahkmenrah get untangled from his bandages, he had no idea he would learn so much about the pharaoh and his past.

Word Count: 6.4K
13 October 2016
We’re All Dreaming This Life Away by DeathLife97

Jedtavius, Ahkmenrah X OC | Romance

Madelyn Daley is sixteen, Nicky is six. Their original names were Meresankh (which roughly translates to “queen (of life)”) and Nekure (“prince”) respectively.

Word Count: 3.1K
18 August 2016
Radio Rome by pizzacreative

Jedtavius, Tin Cans | AU (Modern, Radio), Humor

Octavius Caesar is a beloved radio announcer working for the local station, known for his “Radio Rome” segments. Then, one day, he comes face to face with a rival from America – not to mention the most obnoxious man he has ever met.

Word Count: 29.7K
13 August 2016
Gloria's Museum Adventures. by ghost_nerd

Ahkmenrah X OC | Slice of Life

Gloria is a wax model in the Museum of Natural history, and she relishes adventure.

Also I panicked when the site demanded a name for the work that I did not have. Bill and Ted eat your hearts out.

Word Count: 20.2K
16 June 2016
Morning Walks by JackFool

Courtly Love | AU (Modern), Fluff

Time for a day off.

Word Count: 440
14 June 2016
Demons and Pharaohs by FieryCaptainSpiderSanta

Ahkmenrah X OC | Slice of Life

Sarah Boyd, a girl from Chester, decides to go to New York to live with her uncle and cousin, while she went to college. Everyone likes a little adventure in their lives, and she found it in the last place she would ever have expected, in a place where history comes to life...

Word Count: 13.5K | AO3
3 June 2016
Réveille-toi by JackFool

Courtly Love | AU (Modern), Fluff

Lance wants to sleep in but Ahk is bored.

Word Count: 772
17 May 2016
I Don't Need You by Kisho🔒

Courtly Love | AU (Modern, Bodyguard)

Short Ahkmenlot bodyguard AU

Word Count: 518
10 April 2016
Cambio de lugares por beegirlprime7

Gen | Crossover

OK este es un Crossover Night at the museum y mr Robot y me parecio una buena idea de hacer un fic de que pasaría si nuestro Hacker favorito, conociera a nuestro Faraón también favorito.

Word Count: 5.3K
11 March 2016
Апартаменты by Pheeby and RobinGoodfellow

Jedtavius, Tablet Guardians, Brandon/Tilly, Rebecca/Attila, Kahmunrah/Lancelot, Amelia/Custer | AU (Modern)

Вместе с Джедидайей мы наблюдаем за событиями, которые происходят с ним и его соседями по подъезду.

Word Count: 15K
7 March 2016
Воссоединение by Pheeby

Gen | Family

В Британском музее новый экспонат.

Word Count: 1K
7 March 2016
Первая ночь Тедди by Pheeby

Gen | Pre-Canon

Версия того, как чувствовал себя Тедди Рузвельт при первом пробуждении.

Word Count: 1K
24 February 2016
Uma noite de descobertas por SimoneMM

Jedtavius | Humor, Romance

Jed e Oct descobrem que entre eles há muito mais que laços de amizade.

Word Count: 2.5K
1 February 2016
All Of The Stars by Naerryn

Ahkmenrah X Reader | Romance

Being part of a short-term Exhibition, you're more than surprised to come alive after your arriving at the Museum of Natural History. After the initial difficults, you start to develop a growing affection towards the young looking pharao, Ahkmenrah.

Word Count: 1.4K
12 January 2016
Chris' Nights At The Museum by BiTurtleDuck

Non-NatM Pairs | Crossover

Chris got a job in a museum and he couldn't be happier, one thing he didn't expect was for the exhibits to wake up and for him to fall in love with one of them.

Word Count: 9.1K
9 January 2016
Du selfie à la vidéo de Nozumire

Jedtavius | Humor

Nick avait enfin un téléphone portable et il n'aurait peut-être pas dû apprendre ce qu'était un selfie à Jedediah et Octavius...

Word Count: 695
5 January 2016
What a Beautiful Wedding by MimeticEternity

Flyin' Aces, Tablet Guardians | Angst, Pining, Romance

"You may now kiss the bride."

Word Count: 181
1 January 2016
Desert Skies and City Streets by MagnetHead and Anonymous

Non-NatM Pairs | Crossover

What if Larry retired a few years earlier and needed someone to take over? What if that someone was a broke history lover named Christopher? And what if he fell for a certain Pharaoh?

Quite basically, this is a "If Chris took Larry's place" story. With a lot of adorable relationship shit tossed in.

Word Count: 42.1K
21 December 2015
I am trash and so are you for reading it by Slothpoe

Larry/Attila | Humor, Crack, Romance

Larry Daley waits each night for his true love to awakend

Word Count: 527
30 December 2015
Accidentally in Love by CinnamonSapphic

Jedtavius | Pining, Fluff

Jedediah wasn’t 100% sure how they made it to this point - fingers intertwined, the Roman man nodding off against his shoulder - but he didn’t mind at all. It was an accident he would let happen again and again.

Word Count: 923 | Français
29 December 2015
The Pharaoh's Knight by Kisho🔒

Courtly Love | Angst, Fluff

A King without a protector, and a Knight without one to serve. They make an odd duo, but it works

Word Count: 7.1K
26 December 2015
Christmas at the Museum by PoppyLoppyZoppy

Tablet Guardians | Slow Burn

Ahkmenrah is determined to pass the dismal holidays in solitude, until Rebecca realizes what has him down and decides to give him the best Christmas gift she can think of: a chance to meet his favorite night-guard under the mistletoe.

Word Count: 3.1K | Français
26 December 2015
Fêtes américaines de Nozumire

Tablet Guardians, Jedtavius | Fluff

Une nuit calme au musée ? Impossible. Mais cette fois-ci, Larry n'aurait pas à supporter tout le monde seul. Son fils pouvait bien s'occuper d'un pharaon, non ?

Word Count: 720
25 December 2015
NATM Rent AU for Steph Series by TheSadisticMunchkin

Jedtavius, Tablet Guardians, Amelia/Sacajawea, Nick/Lancelot | NATM Secret Santa 2015, AU (Rent: The Musical), Fluff, Angst, Humor, Hurt/Comfort

A 5 part series created for Steph aka demilarrydaley on tumblr for the NATM Secret Santa 2015

Word Count: 4.7K
12 December 2015
Aucune discrétion de Nozumire

Tablet Guardians | Fluff, Humor

Parce que Ahkmenrah était tout sauf discret et qu'en un seul regard tout était tellement évident...

Word Count: 507
6 December 2015
Успеть by Rainy_Elliot

Gen | Angst

Он будет ужасаться сделанному потом. Если это потом настанет.

Word Count: 858
6 December 2015
Седьмой by Rainy_Elliot

Gen | Angst

Ларри мог быть не единственным, кто откликнулся на объявление.

Word Count: 375
6 December 2015
Ожидание by Rainy_Elliot

Gen | AU (Role Reversal)

Для того, кто вернулся из мёртвых, ожидание - не проблема.

Word Count: 467
6 December 2015
Egyptology is an Exciting Science by wendigo_alderson

Non-NatM Pairs | Crossover, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort

When Chris wins a contest, giving him access to the Egyptology department in the basement of the National Museum of Natural History, he's excited to say the least. The boy has always had a passion for Egyptology, but when he meets the stunning Ahkmenrah he has a feeling his life is about to take a turn.

⚠️ Contains references to self harm. Reader discretion advised.

Word Count: 3.8K
5 December 2015
Jed l'aveugle de Audrielle-san

Jedtavius | Humor

"- Nick, comment savoir si l'on est amoureux?" Jedediah n'en revenait pas: Octavius était amoureux de quelqu'un, et il ne savait pas ce qui était pire: le fait en lui-même ou le fait qu'il n'avait rien vu. Non en fait le pire était peut-être que le romain ne lui avait rien dit de cet amour. Ça lui aurait au moins permis d'arrêter de se bercer d'illusions.

Word Count: 2.5K
5 December 2015
Hide and seek de Audrielle-san

Jedtavius | Fluff

Un des jeux préférés d'Octavius et Jedediah était de se cacher quand le soleil se levait, parfois dans les endroits les plus improbables.

Word Count: 364
5 December 2015
On a plane de Audrielle-san

Gen | Slice of Life

Cette nuit allait être une nuit spéciale pour deux certaines miniatures. Cette nuit, Nick venait avec un cadeau pour eux, un cadeau que son père désapprouverait sûrement s'il savait. Mais il n'avait pas pu résister, pas en voyant les deux hommes s'extasier sur une des pages d'un magasine de jouet.

Word Count: 743
30 November 2015
Until it tears us apart... by WishesForAnEgyptianKing

Ahkmenrah X OC, Larry X OC | Drama

''Some kind of stories are romantic, some of them are horrible. But some aren't told. Have you ever wondered what did happen to Ahkmenrah ? What did really happen that the 3 movies haven't told us ? Let me tell you the story of Ahkmenrah and Isis...''

Word Count: 2.4K
22 November 2015
Free At Last by KatLeePT

Jedtavius, Larry/Teddy | Fluff, Romance

They stood gathered around the small television set, each of their hearts hoping for the same outcome.

Word Count: 2K
16 November 2015
The Knight and The Lion by GreyDawnWitch

Courtly Love | Pining

The night tours restart and Lancelot gains a fan.

Word Count: 603
14 November 2015
Bad luck with a dash of good by Novel_Scribe

Courtly Love | Fluff

What's a better prompt idea today than a little bad luck for our poor pharoh with just a touch of good thanks to a certain knight.

Word Count: 848
31 October 2015
In Khonsu's Orbit, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and Chapter 3 by reidluver

Tablet Guardians | NatM Big Bang 2015, Fluff, Angst

Now that Ahkmenrah is free to move about the museum, it’s discovered that he’s affected by moon phases. More specifically full moons, and the effects change every month. At first it’s alarming, and some are negative, but most are enjoyable in one way or another.

Word Count: 7.7K | Archived
31 October 2015
Falling by forestofmyown

Ahkmenrah X OC | NatM Big Bang 2015, Slight Homophobia

Leon gets into a bit of a bind when he is caught after hours at the Museum of Natural History, but ends up unexpectedly getting a job there. He finds that he bears a striking resemblance to a long dead body guard of Ahkmenrah's—not just in looks, but in personality and, especially, devotion.

Word Count: 22.7K
10 October 2015
A Not So Miniature Love by thehobbitfanatic

Jedtavius | NatM Big Bang 2015, AU (Modern, High School)

Word Count: 11.3K
23 September 2015
Chasing the Clouds Away by walkydeads

Tablet Guardians, Rebecca/Sacajawea | Fluff

Based on the tumblr ask prompt: "i accidentally grabbed your phone instead of mine and you were texting your friend about how cute i am. you even sent pictures."

Word Count: 1.6K
14 September 2015
From one Guardian to another. by Darke_Eco_Freak

Tablet Guardians, Non-NatM Pairs | Crossover

Where exactly did Ahkmenrah, fourth king of the fourth king, come from anyway? The records were oddly vague on that front. Of course there were the statues and some images of him found in his tomb, along with a huge stone Sphinx guardian but there was still something off about Ahkmenrah. If Egyptologists didn't know better, they'd say he just popped into existence to fill the gap left by Tutahkamun.

Word Count: 2.9K
12 September 2015
The Many Awkward Adventures of Jedediah and Octavius by WolfMeister

Jedtavius, Tablet Guardians, Museum Dads | AU (Human)

Jedediah doesn't want people to know that he isn't straight, but he can't help loving on Octavius. This causes problems in their relationship.

Word Count: 7.4K
1 September 2015
Maybe It's Fate by Spamano_Sweethearts

Jedtavius, Tablet Guardians, Tin Cans, Amelia/Custer | AU (Modern), Drama, Romance

Octavius is a journalist who is engaged to a wealthy Englishman by the name of Lance. The two are adored Lance's family and they all can't wait for the couple to be married. Octavius believes he's head over heels for Lance but that changed one night when he's out to dinner with Lance's family and quite literally bumps into a waiter named Jedediah. After which they start hanging out and that ultimately leads them to falling in love, causing a secret relationship between them. Now Octavius must try to keep it a secret from Lance and his nosey family. But how long will that last?

Word Count: 5.6K
17 August 2015
and they'll say "Boys Will Be Boys" by TechnicalTragedy

Jedtavius, Amelia/Lancelot, Nick/Ahkmenrah | AU (High School), Angst, Fluff

Senior year was supposed to be like every other year in the past. Jedediah and Octavius never took the possibility of each other into account.

Word Count: 33.7K
17 August 2015
Swords and Bandages Series by RedLlamas

Courtly Love | Slow Burn, Pining

Word Count: 3.4K
6 August 2015
call me back by TechnicalTragedy

Jedtavius, Octavius X OC | AU (Modern), Angst

"I can't get to the phone right now, but- Ockie, stop that! I'm trying to record my voicemail message thing. I can't make it to the phone right now but I'll call you back as soon as I can!"

Word Count: 1.9K
9 July 2015
Shut up And Dance With Me by disenchantedphoenix🔒

Kahmunrah/Lancelot | AU (Modern)

Ahk takes his brother to the place where he met Larry in the hopes that Kah will meet someone of his own.

Word Count: 1K
26 June 2015
Larry x Ahkmenrah por AgnesWoods

Tablet Guardians | Humor, Fluff

Si Nick nunca hubiese abierto la boca de más, esas niñas nunca les habrían echo ver de que eran el uno para el otro. Pero claro que no todo será amor, esas niñas planean traumar y quemar todo el museo en el progreso de juntar a el Guardia y el Faraón.

Word Count: 9.3K
23 June 2015
They Danced by the Light of the Moon by GreyDawnWitch

Courtly Love | Fluff

Dancing can be fun, but it can also lead to awkward situations.

Word Count: 444 | Русский
17 June 2015
Aprovechar el tiempo por Chocokuki93

Jedtavius | Romance

Jedediah está celoso de Sir Lancelot, después de todo, el inglés tiene la atención de Octavius.

Word Count: 1.3K
29 May 2015
Aestas by Anonymous

Jedtavius, Custer/Lancelot | AU (High School), Fluff, Angst

Junior year is when he discovers that this school has privately funded sports teams.

He comes to the field after school every practice he can, just to watch. Because damn. Especially that one kid. He's number, what, seventeen or something? Octavius doesn't remember. All he knows is that whoever he is, he's got a fantastic-

Set of eyes that are staring straight at him.

Octavius fumbles around for his textbook and wrenches it up in front of his face.

Word Count: 30.8K
24 May 2015
Mi héroe por Spike Darke

Jedtavius | AU (Modern)

Octavio no pudo evitar sonreír a pesar de que no era lo adecuado para la situación, se imaginaba a aquel pequeño rubiales bajando de un salto ágil sobre el escenario para lanzarse a defender su honor. Quizá no se le antojaba divertido, pero qué demonios, sí le resultaba adorable aquel gesto.

Word Count: 1.1K
22 May 2015
The Night Shift by Brackenfrond

Jedtavius, Ahkmenrah X OC | Humor, Fluff, Friendship

Instead of one night guard, two are put in place - it is better to be safe than sorry, after all. This is where Charlie Blake comes in. Only, he's pretty sure he didn't sign up for a miniature war between a Roman and a cowboy, a living T-Rex skeleton and a way too attractive Egyptian Pharaoh. They should have mentioned that in the job description.

Word Count: 7.8K
13 May 2015
Chasqueando los dedos por Jennyfer S. Lleneri

Gen | Hurt/Comfort

Un gran porcentaje de la población es incapaz de chasquear los dedos, Nora Parks es una de esas personas. Pero ese es el menor de sus problemas cuando al caer la noche en el Museo, todas las figuras cobran vida. Entre nuevas figuras, espectáculos nocturnos, un exigente consejo del museo y su problema ansiedad tendrá que comprender el verdadero significado de familia.

Word Count: 5.4K
5 May 2015
¡Qué te de la mano ese imbécil de Lancelot! por Spike Darke

Jedtavius, Tin Cans | Pining

-Lancelot …– Había arrastrado cada letra en lo que parecía un susurro que a Jedediah se le antojó placentero. El general romano se había llenado la boca con ese nombre, ese maldito nombre que martilleaba los tímpanos de Smith desde primera hora de la noche.

Word Count: 1.7K
25 April 2015
Picture Perfect by Bandicoot

Capoleon | Fluff

Al meets up with the miniatures and they show him a mobile phone. Ideas come to mind on what fun he can have with this and a certain French general.

Word Count: 2.9K
24 April 2015
Fadula Academy by Fangirl_and_Dreamer

Jedtavius, Amelia/Custer, Ahkmenrah X OC | AU (High School), Friendship, Fluff

Fabula Academy is one of the best academy in New York. Among its students is a history crazed girl Angel aka Joan.

Along with her friends she explores the past of not only the world but her and sees how she has changed and how it can help her in the future. With her many flashbacks of her first few years at the academy to the present day and dealing with teenage problems it all comes down to one question, why does she have two names?

Word Count: 5.3K
4 April 2015
Karaoke Night by disenchantedphoenix

Kahmunrah/Lancelot | Humor

Lancelot wants Kahmunrah to sing for him. Kah doesn't want to sing.

Word Count: 735 | Русский
31 March 2015
¡Que te bese Amelia Earhart! por YariChan

Flyin' Aces, Jedtavius, Tablet Guardians, OT3 | Humor

Tras finalizar la batalla del Smithsonian Amelia se ofrece a llevarles en su avión de vuelta a Nueva York y una vez allí decide que tiene que darle a Larry una despedida como dios manda, cosa que no sienta del todo bien a cierto faraón.

Word Count: 1.2K | FF.N
28 March 2015
Some Damselling, Very Little Distress by RunMild

Tablet Guardians, Non-NatM Pairs | Crossover

This is about sisterhood, solidarity… and maybe just the tiniest bit because SHIELD flat-out told her ‘no’ when she called and asked for some secret agent-y access to the building after hours.

Darcy doesn't like being told no.

Or: Darcy Lewis is getting into that museum and no amount of gay angst is going to stop her. The pretty knight is really just a bonus.

Word Count: 3.3K
23 March 2015
NatM Soulmate AU's by Evidence

Jedtavius, Tablet Guardians | AU (Soulmate)

The question of whether or not the exhibits have souls is indirectly answered, in Teddy’s estimation, on their third night of waking, when the first few Names are discovered.

Word Count: 30K
22 March 2015
Academia Pro Populi Magni by Femalefonzie

Jedtavius, Tablet Guardians, Capoleon, Kahmunrah/Lancelot, Amelia x OC | Drama, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort

Even though Ahkmenrah, and some other notable exhibits are now on permanent display in the New York Museum of Natural History, Larry knows that part of his life is over and it is better not to step in and visit. He has a new job, teaching at a private school in Upper East Manhattan. No more adventures with historical figures trying to protect a magical tablet, his life can return to normal.

At least...that's what he had thought before he met his class and found himself even further wrapped up in the mystery surrounding the tablet of Ahkmenrah and the lives of famous historical people affected by it.

Word Count: 45.1K
9 March 2015
Plans by Anonymous

Jedtavius, Octavius x The Mayor | Pining

Octavius has a plan. A great plan. A plan of seduction.

⚠️ Contains racist content. Reader discretion advised.

Word Count: 5K | Русский
27 February 2015
隐私话题 由 Polka

Courtly Love | Fluff

Word Count: 3.2K
10 February 2015
Still Awake by fluffybuckybear

Jedtavius, Flyin' Aces, Courtly Love | Friendship, Humor

Ahkmenrah, Lancelot, Tilly and all the other exhibits have gotten used to life at the British Museum. That is until one fateful dawn when something strange happens and they are whisked away on a new adventure; seeing old friends and making new ones. And, well, saving the world, again.

Word Count: 20.6K
3 February 2015
The Brooklyn Cocktail by theivoryshadow

Tablet Guardians | Crack, Fluff, Angst

“This,” Larry said, sloshing his drink, “was a great idea.”

Word Count: 2.3K | Français
21 January 2015
Unas Vacaciones Museísticas por WonWon Galla

Jedtavius, Ahkmenrah X OC | Humor

Los personajes de Una Noche en el Museo son invitados por la Organización de Productoras Unidas de Cine (OPUC) de vacaciones al Resort privado de la Productora por un tiempo indefinido…

Word Count: 3.7K
14 January 2015
Child of Moonlight by Bookwormgal

Gen | Family, Angst, Drama

Two children born into the same family; each one with a prophecy of what they would become. The first's heart quickly grows black with hate while the second is a gentler soul. With a throne on the line, a tablet empowered by Khonsu, and one ambitious to rule, it can only end in suffering. Before the museum, there was simply Ahkmenrah and Kahmunrah: sons of the pharaoh and brothers.

Word Count: 23K
13 January 2015
鼻子 由 Polka

Courtly Love | Fluff

Word Count: 3K
3 January 2015
What Dreams May Come by maleikha

Jedtavius | Angst

It's their very last adventure.

Word Count: 441 | Русский
22 December 2014
Learning Curve by SummerMistedDragon

Gen | Family, Friendship

It took Larry just under a week to adapt to being the night guard at the Natural History Museum. How long did it take Ahkmenrah to adjust to being free?

Word Count: 76K
20 December 2014
if this was a cowboy movie (i'd give you my boots) by Liviapenn

Jedtavius | Yuletide 2014, Humor, Romance

There are secret articles in our treaties with the gods, of more importance than all the rest, which the historian can never know. -- Henry David Thoreau

This hour I tell things in confidence,
I might not tell everybody, but I will tell you.
-- Walt Whitman, "Song of Myself"

Word Count: 10.1K | Русский
16 December 2014
Legend of the Pharaoh by TheElvishTrekkie

Ahkmenrah X OC | Fluff, Slice of Life

Firea is a University student taking an Ancient Civilizations class. When they head for a day trip to the Museum of Natural History, her world is turned upside-down by being locked in a bathroom stall.

Word Count: 17.2K
6 January 2014
In Color by concerningsuperwholockandhobbits

Al X OC | Adventure, Romance

Viola is Larry Daley's adopted daughter. To those who don't know her very well, she can seem shy and reserved, but she gets more than she bargained for when she embarks on an adventure to the Smithsonian with her father. At the Smithsonian, she is captured by Kahmunrah and placed under the supervision of Al Capone. Now she has to try getting back to her father and see how the night turns out.

Word Count: 14.9K
22 June 2013
Cortejando por ConejitaYaoi

Jedtavius | Humor

Jedediah escucha una conversación y ahora sabe que algunos hombres pretenden a Octavio, claro, Jed no va a permitirlo.

Word Count: 1.7K
14 August 2011
Perfectly Good Heart by SummerMistedDragon

Jedediah X OC | Hurt/Comfort, Adventure

The tablet's magic messes with our favorite exhibits and things get a bit scary when faces from the past come back to haunt them.

Word Count: 99K
24 June 2010
The God Machine by TTCyclone

Gen | Humor, Fluff, Angst

Things are not well at the museum when a new exhibit arrives. With a new artifact comes new curses, new magic, and new friends. At first, things are great, and the museum is more popular then ever! But suddenly things take a turn for the worst when three all-powerful ancient Egyptian gods get involved, wanting revenge on mankind.

Now it's up to Larry and the gang to stop these misfit deities from taking out everything and everyone in their path, all before sunrise!

Word Count: 86K
25 August 2009
Reversão por Aldebaran das Areias Vermelhas

Flyin' Aces | Friendship

Alguém ergueu os olhos para contemplar as estrelas?

Word Count: 195
11 August 2009
The Sun Will Set for You by raecat: Chapter One, Two, Three, Four, Five

Tablet Guardians, Jedtavius | Slice of Life

An opportunity for the museum takes rips its inhabitants apart. What happens when Larry realizes his feelings for the one leaving?

Word Count: 7.9K | FF.N
21 June 2009
A New Home for the Pharaoh by MandalorianHybrid

Ahkmenrah X OC | Angst, Fluff

A new member has come to the museum to remodel the Egyptian exhibit. What happens when the young pharaoh gets curious about the young woman?

Word Count: 76K
19 June 2009
Mi cumpleaños más doloroso por Jazzita

Flyin' Aces | Drama

Es el cumpleaños de Larry y todos en el museo deciden celebrarlo, trayendo de nueva cuenta a la chica que lo conquistó hace años. ¿Qué pasará cuando ambos se unan de vuelta?

Word Count: 1K
7 April 2009
The Missing Piece by junior-wheel

Ahkmenrah X OC | AU (Soulmates)

Unluckily assigned to write a research paper on the public's level of interest in Egyptology, Kiya must visit the Museum of Natural History every day for two weeks and stay by Ahkmenrah's coffin. It is a boring task, but when she takes to talking to the still Pharaoh, life begins to get just a little more interesting. And interesting isn't even the half of it.

Word Count: 85K
13 September 2007
Deux mille ans de différence de mokoshna

Jedtavius | Fluff, Humor

Deux mille ans de différence, c'est énorme quand on touche à la question des moeurs sexuelles...

Word Count: 1.9K | AO3